Coronavirus National Restrictions from 19th July 2021
Coronavirus National Restrictions from 19th July 2021
As you know, many of the remaining COVID-19 restrictions in England changed from Monday 19th July 2021. However, I wanted to explain to you why we will continue to ask you to observe social distancing and where possible wear a face covering.
Our priority is keeping you safe
Our number one priority is the safety of our clients and staff. Throughout the pandemic, we have followed HM Government Working safely during COVID-19 in other peoples homes guidance for employers, employees and the self-employed, these have not changed. We will therefore still ask you to:
- Wear a face-covering whilst we are in the same vicinity
- We will attend appointments alone where possible
- Use our hand sanitiser when we arrive, during and after all jobs
- Confirm that you don’t have any symptoms of COVID-19
- Call us if you need support and only allow our contractors to attend your home/job site if no occupants currently have any symptoms
We will be maintaining social distancing throughout all our activities, so please continue to follow any directions you receive from our teams.
Appointment availability
Due to the COVID-19 safety procedures, there are fewer appointments available. We are working to increase the number of appointments, however, this may take some time for us to train team members to provide additional services.
What to expect
If you have any further questions about what a visit from us will be like during this time, you can contact us directly and we will be happy to assist.